Family MONTANI & Friends
What began as a small idea quickly grew into an undertaking that could no longer be stopped so easily. A simple family tree - that's what I imagined. But then I pulled threads that unrolled further and further, from door to door, from letter to e-mail, from one phone call to the next. And with every new name, every newly discovered address, I was told stories, some quietly, others with hearty laughter, some with that strange melancholy in their voice when someone talks about the past.
However, a problem soon arose: The Montani family tree with a diameter of over two meters is... let's say impractical. Impossible to pass on uncrumpled, awkward to hang up, and definitely not something you can pass around at the annual family party.
So this book was born.
It is a book about us - about people who are connected by shared blood and common roots, but also by stories that go far beyond mere kinship. Stories that tell of life, successes, love, loss, courage, of the small everyday things that weave themselves into a larger whole.
I didn't just collect data, I heard voices. And through these voices I got to know us - our strengths, our weaknesses, our humor and our idiosyncrasies.
This book is also a thank you. To everyone who has already helped me in this search - be it by passing on yellowed documents or by having the patience to answer endless questions. Thanks also to all those who are yet to contribute. Sarah Montani
Join in!
Tell us your biography, tell us your best memories. We will accept texts until March 2025 and then process them into a book. I would be delighted if you would tell me your story.
Write your biography
We have put together a few questions, perhaps you would like to answer a few of them and tell us your story? We write about 1 A4 page per person. Please also send a photo of you and your family with your biography. Thank you very much
A few questions for inspiration. If some questions appeal to you, you are welcome to answer them or tell us something completely different. It is not necessary to answer all the questions, we write about 1-2 A4 pages per person.
I will then edit the text for you and we will correct it together. Only what is 100% suitable for you will be published.
I would also like to have a photo of you, and perhaps one of your family and, if available, with your parents or siblings, or your animals. Thank you very much in advance, Sarah Montani 076 343 57 77
Possible questions
Your birthday: XXXXX
School: What do you remember about your school days? Did you have time to play? What did the children play back then? Did you have a best friend(s)? If yes, did you have contact for many years? How did you feel about your school days?
Work / hobby: Did you work a lot as a child? In gardens? Vines? Other? If yes: How did you feel about this work? Were you able to pursue a hobby as a child? Learn to play an instrument? Dance? Etc.? Did you take part in a club? (Traditional costume club, soccer club...) What was it like? Would you describe yourself as religious? Did you have to go to church as a child? Confession? Was there any control from the church etc.? How did you feel about the church/religion back then, what do you think today?
Parents and siblings: How did you experience your parents? Were they supportive, always working? Were you on first name terms with your parents? What was it like at the lunch table? What did they eat very often? Did everyone talk a lot or was it very quiet? Were you allowed to talk at the table? Did you have to eat 'quickly'? Which siblings did you share your room with? Did you have your own bed? Did you ever go on an excursion as a family, did you ever go on a trip? Did your parents ever go on a trip? What do you remember? Is there a story you would like to tell?
War, poverty, natural disasters & hunger: Valais has experienced several very severe earthquakes (1946), avalanches and the great Salgesch fire in 1913. Did your parents tell you about this? How did your parents perceive nature? Did you perceive nature as a threat? Until the 20th century, Valais was one of the poorest regions in Switzerland. Did you experience poverty? Were there very poor people in your village? The world wars were in 1918 and 1945. Did your parents talk about the war, were the after-effects of the war noticeable?
Friends & girlfriends, technology: How did you communicate with your friends back then? Did the telephone already exist? Were you allowed to use it? Did you have a washing machine, a dishwasher, a telephone, a TV, a computer? Do you remember a story?
Technology today: How do you experience the use of new technologies? Do you use social media, artificial intelligence? Other? How have you experienced technological progress in recent decades? Are there any social changes that you see as positive or negative?
Being a woman / being a man: What was it like to be a woman? As a man? What were the expectations? Did you feel discriminated against in the past? How is it today? What has changed for the better / for the worse?
Profession: Did you learn a profession? Were you free to choose your profession? Did you have a dream job as a child? Which schools did you attend? What did you do for a living? Did you emigrate? To another canton, to another country? If yes: Why? Was it difficult / relieving?
Best moment in your life: Did you have a very nice moment in your life that you would like to share? What time, what do you remember most fondly? Is there something you are proud of? Did you once make a big decision that changed your life? Looking back, is there anything you would do differently? What mistake should people not make again?
Role models & information: Are you a fan of a personality? Who was famous when you were young? Which songs did you like? Did you have role models? How did you inform yourself in the past? Radio? Television?
Passion; do you have a passion? What do you love to do and forget the time? Do you have hobbies?
Meaning: Is there such a thing as the meaning of life? If yes: What is the meaning of life for you?
Family: Your family, your parents and siblings: When you think about your family, how would you describe them? What makes the Montani family unique? Is there something they all have in common? Do you see your family as more hierarchical and traditional, or more anti-authoritarian? If you have started a family or families yourself, how would you describe your current family? Have times changed a lot compared to the past? What is better, what is less good?
Culture & traditions: What traditions or customs were there in your family? Are there any that are still practiced today? Which festivals were particularly celebrated? Were there special rituals at Christmas, Easter or other holidays? Were there any special dishes that were passed down in the family? Who was the best cook?
Love & relationships: How did you experience your first love? Was it easy or difficult to meet someone back then? Were there marriages in the family that were made out of love or were they more arranged/mediated relationships? How have relationships and the view of marriage and partnership changed over the years?
Upbringing & childhood experiences: What values were you taught by your parents? Which of these do you pass on to the next generations? Was your upbringing strict or relaxed? Were there many rules?
Home & identity: What does “home” mean to you? Has this feeling changed over time? Is there a song, a picture or a smell that immediately reminds you of your childhood? Have you ever thought about leaving Valais? Why did you stay or leave?
Untold stories: Are there any family stories that have not been told for a long time? Is there a legend or rumor about the Montani family? Was there silence or open communication?
Next generation: What can we do today to be a good ancestor? Can we take care of future generations? If so, how? What is your experience of young people today? If you could send a message to the next generation, what would you say? What values or achievements of the Montani family should be preserved for the future? Is there anything you wish for your descendants and/or future generations?
What do you do?
All texts by email to by the end of March 2025.
All photos to: Sarah Montani, Bellariastr. 32, 8002 Zurich.
All photos will be professionally scanned and returned immediately. Please do not forget the return address and label the photos with the names of the people depicted.
For their stories and biographies: Please be sure to include their parents' names and dates of birth. Please also state the names of their siblings, including dates of birth, and their children. This helps us a lot in compiling the family tree.
We proofread and correct the texts, so it is possible that the text you send us will be slightly adapted, shortened, corrected and proofread for a uniform reading style. By sending the texts and photos, you agree that the texts may be used for the family book. Among other things, a printed book and an e-book will be produced, and a reading sample will be made available online. It will be available in bookshops and online.
If you send us photos of living relatives, please make absolutely sure that the relatives depicted are aware of this and expressly agree to the publication of the photo.