Bridging Art, Science & Technology
Painter & Sculptress | Digital Pionieer | Metaverse Evangelist | Blockchain Artist | NFT | Amazing VR- AR- Mixed Reality Projects | Futurist | Lawyer | Founder Weblaw | 21st Century Modern & Contemporary Art | Post-Internet | Sfermism
Lecturer Kunstfabrik Vienna. Co-editor since the year 2000 of the online legal newsletter Jusletter; Former Lecturer at the Centre for Computer Law of the University of Bern
Editor Art Magazine Sferism | Contemporary Art | Post-Internet
Takes care of the Metaverse Gallery Stoa Now, wish to have a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Politics & Economics, University St. Gallen | would like to be a Curator Musee d' art contemporain in real live | Editor Art Magazine Sferisme AR+ | Hometown Tokio and the Metaverse
Sarah Montani
Stoa Now GmbH
Schwarztorstrasse 22
3007 Berne – Switzerland
T +41 31 380 57 77
Akira Naoki
Stoa Now GmbH
Schwarztorstrasse 22
3007 Berne – Switzerland
T +41 76 343 57 77
AI generated photo
Stoa Now GmbH CHE-471.649.297
EUR IBAN CH92 8080 8008 5720 1677 9 Swift-Code RAIFCH22XXX
CHF IBAN CH62 8080 8007 9445 3160 1 Swift-Code RAIFCH22XXX
As of early 2024, approximately 19% of the biographies on Wikipedia are about women. Given that Wikipedia hosts about 1.5 million biographies, this translates to roughly 285,000 biographies of women
Efforts to increase the representation of women on Wikipedia are ongoing, led by various volunteer groups and initiatives such as WikiProject Women in Red and the WikiGap campaign. These groups aim to create and improve articles about notable women, thereby addressing the gender imbalance on the platform.
Despite these efforts, articles about women are more frequently targeted for deletion, highlighting the challenges in maintaining and growing this representation. I am a big fan of Wikipedia und hope that women will be found there in future.
Congratulation to Jimmy Wales for his work.
21th march 2018 Jimmy Wales Sarah Montani, The School of Management Fribourg, Switzerland Credit: Sarah Montani, with the courtesy of Jimmy Wales
Sarah Montani (born December 4, 1972 in Salgesch/Salquenen, Valais, Switzerland) is a Swiss lawyer, artist and digital pioneer. She is known for her contributions to the literature of Valais, for her artistic work and for her achievements in the legal system in Switzerland.
Montani grew up in modest circumstances and spent her childhood working in the vineyards. She learned to play the piano with Madeleine Briguet and was a student of the pianist Ottilia Ruha (Gheorghe-Dima Cluj-Napoca Music Academy, Romania) at the Sion Conservatory. She taught music, languages and mathematics at two private schools in Sierre and attended the Kollegium Spiritus Sanctus from 1987-1993. In 1987, she completed her Matura in music with the Prélude Op. 3 No. 2 in C sharp minor by Rachmaninoff. In 1992, she won first prize in the Valais Literature Competition [^1^]. She has set her poems to music [^2^] and is committed to promoting young female authors [^3^].
Professional career
After studying medicine in Geneva, Montani studied law in Bern and graduated 19th february 2003 (licentiata Iuris). She worked as an assistant lecturer at the Institute for Banking Law (Prof. Wolfgang Wiegand, 1997, 1999), the Civil Law Seminar (Prof. Thomas Koller) and the Institute for Tax Law (Prof. Thomas Locher, 1998-2001) at the University of Bern and organized the Swiss Banking Law Conference, among other things. Together with Franz J. Kummer - at that time also an assistant at the Civil Law Seminar - he was the first to establish legal Internet research courses for the University of Bern in the then emerging Internet [^4^]. A local lawyer, who obtained their presence in their student course with a forged legitimation card, gave them the idea of offering these courses publicly [^5^] [^6^].
The duo later founded the company Weblaw, a provider of online legal tools [^7^][^8^][^9^][^10^], including the first free legal search engine in Switzerland [^11^], [^12^] the first online specialist journal Jusletter and Editions W. [^15^]. Despite some challenges, such as state competition from the Federal Court [^16^] [^17^], Weblaw remained innovative and expanded into Germany. Sarah Montani sold the company after 25 years [^18^].
Painting and art
Alongside her professional career, Montani devoted herself to painting and digital art. She exhibited her early large-format oil paintings in various exhibitions, including at the invitation of Christine Keller of the cultural commission at St. Aubin Castle in Fribourg. [^19^][^20^]. She was portrayed in various books [^21^] [^22^]. and media [^23^]. and took part in various SRF broadcasts [^24^] [^25^] [^26^]. She expanded her artistic range in 2020 by exploring techniques such as encaustic and inks, making her knowledge available online free of charge [^27^]. In 2021, she presented her first video installation, a synthesis of music and moving image [^28^]. In the following years, Montani presented her works in various exhibitions at home and abroad. In 2022, her augmented reality sculptures were exhibited at the 16th Skulptura in Germany [^29^] [^30^] Her digital sculptures were digitally visualized during major international art events such as the Venice Biennale 2022 [^31^] and 2023 [^32^], Art Basel Miami Beach 2022 [^33^] and Art Basel 2023 [^34^]. In a TED Talk she explains her artistic work [^35^]. In 2023 she initiated a world tour to draw attention to the underrepresentation of women's monuments in public space [^36^]. Another focus of her work is the issue of climate change, which was reflected in her exhibitions in Los Angeles [^37^]. and New York [^38^] in 2023. was reflected. As a commentary on the marginalization and systematic 'forgetting' of women artists, she undertook another world exhibition in 2023, in which she installed her digital works in augmented reality simultaneously in 30 museums worldwide, [^39^] [^40^] [^41^] [^42^], including the Kunsthaus Zürich. [^43^] [^44^]. In 2024 she presented the AR replica of the slave ship "Marie-Séraphique" as part of the colonialism theme month of the Vadian Collection in St. Gallen to draw attention to modern slavery. [^45^] [^46^] [^47^].
„Magische Bilder“ in der Kategorie Lyrik, publiziert in der Anthologie „Rhonewind“, Walliser Jugend Schreibt (ISBN 978-3-906273-01-3 und
Oberwalliser Kellertheater in Brig-Glis, Lesung Junger Autoren: Vortragsverein Brig, Walliser Bote 1995,
Es tut sich was Literarisches: Neue Walliser Autoren, in Walliser Bote 23.3.1996,
Als die Juristen das Surfen entdeckten, Der Bund, 3.5.2002, S. 19
Der Rat eines Urkundenfälschers, die Juristen Sarah Montani und Franz Kummer sind als Verleger und IT-Unternehmer auf Erfolgskurs, Walliser Bote 29. 12. 2011
Juristen sicher durchs Internet führen, Die Jus-Studentin Sarah Montani und der Doktorand Franz Kummer, gebürtige Walliser, bieten juristische Internetschulungen für Private an, Christoph Neuhaus, Der Bund, 18.8.1999, Ausgabe 191, Nr. 18, S. 17,
Alles, was Recht ist, Sarah Montani und Franz Kummer wollen Juristen das Internet als Werkzeug näherbringen. Cash, 22.6.2001, S. 61, Ausgabe 25
Mit dem Gesetz ins Netz. Jungunternehmerin Sarah Montani führt Juristen durchs Web. Ihre Firma weblaw füllt eine Marktlücke im Internet. SonntagsZeitung, 18.6.2000, S. 157
Der Bund 3. Mai 2002, Als die Juristen das Surfen entdeckten
Le Nouvelliste,
Weblaw hilft Juristen neu auch beim Suchen, Berner Zeitung, 8.5.2005, S. 29,
Neue Ansätze zur Systematisierung und Veredelung, Suchmaschinen –Lebensnerv der Gerichte, VDI nachrichten, 22. August 2008, Nr. 34
Start für elektronische Juristenzeitung, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 10.5.2000, Ausgabe 108, S. 14
SonntagsZeitung 26. Juni 2011 "Bundesgericht drängt in Millionenmarkt"
NZZ 18. Juli 2011 "Schuster, bleib Richter!",
Le Nouvelliste, Le plaisir de partager" : la peintre valaisanne de Salquenen, Sarah Montani expose soixante huiles sur toile, au château de Saint-Aubin à Fribourg : beauté et énergie picuturales, Manzi, Emmanuel, 2005, Nr. 129, S. 2
(Übersetzung : Freude zu Teilen ; Walliser Malerin aus Salgesch, Sarah Montani stellt sechzig Ölbilder im Schloss von Saint-Augin in Fribourg aus)
La Liberté, Quand une cheffe d’entreprise se met à la peinture à l’huile 9.6.2005, S.23,«Quand+une+cheffe+d%27entreprise+se+met+à+la+peinture+à+l%27huile».pdf
40 Frauen, die bewegen - 40 Jahre Frauen in Bewegung, 2011,
MALEN MIT FEUER & WACHS, Ursi Lysser, ISBN 978-3-033-09183-2ür+Sarah.pdf
JetztZeit, Universität Basel, 21. März 2022, Brückenschlagen zwischen Kunst und Recht – Sarah Montani
Hitzig, D. (2012, 15. Januar). Radiosendung SRF, "Persönlich",
Leis, S. (2017, Dezember 12). Radiosendung SRF, Blick in die Feuilletons mit Sarah Montani. Schweizer Radio Kultur Kompakt,
Senn, B. (2019, Februar 22). Radiosendung SRF, "Detox: No News - Good News"?.
Learn to paint with Inks: Free Online Course,
Zenklusen, J. R. (2021). Schweizer Künstlerin und Futuristin Sarah Montani SKULPTURA - Ausstellung Mensch und Moderne,
Skulptura bietet auch Kunst zum Mitnehmen, Schweizer Künstlerin setzt moderne Technik ein. Lindauer Zeitung, 14. Juli 2022,, 19. September 2023,
Prestige Magazin (2022) Neue Kunstform widmet sich "Gender Diversity" an der Art Basel Miami Beach,
FOTOCULT MAGAZIN, 30. Juni 2023, Grenzen sprengen: Sarah Montani und ihre digitale Kunstrevolution in Basel,
TEDx TALK 2023: Will the Metaverse change our lives?, Wird das Metaverse unser Leben verändern,,
Art Lab California, Los Angeles, February 1-15, 2023,
Earth Day: Kunst von Sarah Montani für mehr Klimabewusstsein am Tag der Erde, Februar 2023,
L’artiste Sarah Montani expose simultanément dans 30 Musées à travers le monde,
Itsliquid, Interview Sarah Montani, 24. Oktober 2023
PP Photo Presse, fotoPro, 17. November 2023, Sarah Montani besetzt 30 Museen weltweit: Ein Zeichen für unsichtbare Künstlerinnen,
PT-Magazin, 6. November.2023, Augmented Reality – Neu in Kunst und Recht
Überdimensionalen Frauenskulptur im Eingangsbereich des Kunsthauses Zürich, Die Schweizer Künstlerin Sarah Montani kündigte die Installation einer überdimensionalen Frauenskulptur im Eingangsbereich des Kunsthauses Zürich an – ein scheinbar gewagter Balanceakt zwischen Statik und Schwerkraft,
Schweizer Fernsehen, AR-Ausstellung von Künstlerin Sarah Montani, 13.3.2024,
Swissinfo, 15. März 2024,
Konquistadoren und Sklavenhändler vom Bodensee,