Welcome to Rome, Italy

In the heart of Rome, near the Colosseum's grandeur and the historical Roman Forum, there lies the contemporary Medina Art Gallery. Very honored to show my art here during MIXING IDENTITIES – SENSES INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2023 from September 15-28, 2023. Medina Art Gallery, via Angelo Poliziano 32-34-36, Rome

“The idea behind "MIXING IDENTITIES" revolves around reshaping new identities. I wanted to bring the old sculpture 'Wounded Amazon' of the Capitoline Museums in Rome back to life.” Sarah Montani

The foundation for the artwork is a physical painting. This painting depicts the 'Wounded Amazon'. It was created using encaustic and oil paints on wood. Here's a photo from my studio.

The original sculpture is located in Rome at the Musei Capitolini, Palazzo Nuovo, Piazza del Campidoglio, 1. It is identified as a replica of the first imperial period (10 BC-10 AD), of the famous Wounded Amazon made by the Greek sculptor Phidias. The woman wears a light chiton that covers only one shoulder and thus reveals her left breast. The figure is leaning on the right leg; the left is flexed so that only the toes touch the ground. The raised right arm is bent at a right angle above the woman’s head and her hand grips a bow, the arrows for which are carried in a quiver worn at her side.

It is either this statue or the Amazon by Sosikles now - Scu 637- that was found on the Palatine Hill in Vigna Roncone and sold to the Cardinale Ippolito d’Este in 1570. It was then bought in 1753 and eventually gifted to the Capitoline Museum by Benedict XIV in 1753

Together with Jamie F.G, we created a virtual version of the artwork. Our aim was to have the Amazon emerge from the two-dimensional surface. In this photo, you can see the visualization of the digital piece on the right side.

Try it out

In this video, one can observe the connection between traditional art and the sculpture in augmented reality.

You can try it out yourself by scanning the QR Code. This QR Code was elaborated by an artifical intelligence. The artwork is handmade, human generated content, also the virtual version is handmade, no AI used.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to view the 3D model in augmented reality

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to view the 3D model in augmented reality

Giulia Tassi, Art Curator

Describing her first encounter with this fusion of technology and art, Giulia's eyes light up:

"It's like blurring lines between the tangible and the intangible. The way it interacts with viewers is unprecedented. I believe in the limitless possibilities of art and its capacity to push boundaries, challenge conventions, and continually inspire.”

The exhibition is curated and organized by Giulia Tassi and Luca Curci. Read the Interview with Giulia Tassi.

“The idea behind "MIXING IDENTITIES" revolves around reshaping new identities. Our self-development is deeply intertwined with our interactions with the identities of others, as well as the broader identities of communities, cultures, and societies. I wanted to bring the old sculpture 'Wounded Amazon' of the Capitoline Museums in Rome back to life. The Capitoline Museums in Rome, known as the oldest public museums in the world, display an extraordinary collection of ancient art and sculptures. In particular, the works 'Capitoline Venus' and 'Wounded Amazon' stand out. I wanted to breathed new life into the 'Wounded Amazon': in a special augmented reality art installation, visitors can now see the statue move and gracefully greet them. The sculpture can be viewed for free on smartphones through a QR code. The installation is located in a gallery in the heart of Rome, a stone's throw from the Colosseum and the historic Roman Forum. I am a jurist, and a passionate advocate for gender equality in the art world. Women remain significantly underrepresented in the art sector. A 2020 study at the National Gallery in Rome showed that only 10% of the works come from female artists, even though they contributed 517 pieces of art. This motivated me as early as 2022 to present my augmented reality art at MACRO - Museum of Contemporary Art. The underrepresentation of women in art has historical roots. In the past, they were excluded from many artistic opportunities. Today, however, there are numerous initiatives to rediscover women's art, including a remarkable exhibition on Lucrina Fetti (1622), viewable at the Capitoline Museums until October 1, 2023. And of course, now we have ITSLIQUID!” Sarah Montani