Art Curator

From Volleyball Courts to the Halls of Art

In the heart of Rome, near the Colosseum's grandeur and the historical Roman Forum, there lies the contemporary Medina Art Gallery. Here, on the cusp of showcasing a groundbreaking exhibition featuring artists from all over the world - and also Augmented Reality Art from Sarah Montani -, we sat down with Giulia Tassi - a former professional volleyball player, turned art curator, whose journey is as eclectic as the art she champions.

Giulia Tassi was born in Rome in 1991. Her path to the art world was unique. "I began with scientific studies and volleyball," she says. "It was only during my time in the UK, collaborating with interior design fairs, that I found my true calling."

Her passion for the intersection of design, aesthetic balance, and functionality led her to contemporary art. In 2018, she began her tenure with ITSLIQUID Group. "I've had the honor of managing over 50 international art exhibitions and fairs, with artists from all over the world," she beams.

What makes an art exhibition a success? "Passion and communication," Giulia believes. Her role involves ensuring that a curator's vision comes to life, with a harmonious alignment of everyone involved.

But it's not just traditional art that fascinates Giulia. Recently, the Medina Art Gallery featured Augmented Reality Art.

Describing her first encounter with this fusion of technology and art, Giulia's eyes light up: "It's like blurring lines between the tangible and the intangible. The way it interacts with viewers is unprecedented. I believe in the limitless possibilities of art and its capacity to push boundaries, challenge conventions, and continually inspire.”


Yet, every medium has its challenges. "The need for specific technology can sometimes be a barrier," she explains. But Giulia remains optimistic about AR's future. "It's reshaping our interactions, from entertainment to education."

We broached the topic of women in the art world. "Women artists should amplify their unique voices," she says firmly. "And female curators? An open mind, inclusivity, and an undying love for art."

In Giulia Tassi's journey from the athletic pitches to the dynamic world of art, one thing remains clear: Her love for breaking boundaries, be it in sports or art. And as we walked through the sunlit rooms of Medina Art Gallery, with contemporary masterpieces all around, it was evident that art, in all its forms, has found an ardent ambassador in Giulia.

Thank you for the Interview, Giulia Tassi, and good luck!