Trees, Electricity + Fossil fuels.

Dance of Time + Energy.

Nature’s Digital Harmony: Creating Augmented Reality Art in the Wild

Trees, electricity, and fossil fuels can be envisioned as symbols in an ongoing dance of time and energy, with each participant holding its own role and significance.

Videoinstallation of a Live AR Sculpture in the Nature of Switzerland. Credit: Sarah Montani


Trees represent the old, the steadfast. They grow slowly, drawing nourishment from the sun and the soil, providing shelter and sustenance to numerous organisms. They are witnesses to time, storing tales of decades, maybe even centuries, within their rings. Trees are the lungs of our Earth, inhaling carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen, a constant recycling of energy and life.

Credit: Live-AR Photo Sarah Montani


Electricity symbolizes the sparkle of the new, the erratic. It flows swiftly, illuminating our cities and connecting us in a global web. Electricity is the nervous system of our modern world, spreading with lightning speed, bringing both enlightenment and destruction.

Credit: Live-AR Photo Sarah Montani

Fossil fuels

Fossil fuels are the hidden legacy, the dark energy from the depths. They hold the sunlight of long-gone ages, stored in ancient plants and animals, and compressed over millions of years. Fossil fuels are both a gift and a burden; they've catapulted our civilization into modernity but also bear the weight of carbon dioxide and environmental degradation.

Credit: Live-AR Photo Sarah Montani

While trees represent the quiet wisdom and the perpetual renewal of life, electricity is the pulsating beat of the present, and fossil fuels are the shadows of the past, casting both light and darkness into our future.”

— Sarah Montani

Live AR Photography of the AR Sculpture into the woods.

Scan the QR Code and get the Sculpture for free.

Blending Digital and Natural: The Future of Augmented Art Landscapes

“As a visual artist, I utilize both traditional tools and advanced digital technologies. Within the wild nature, where the rustling of the leaves and the whispering of the wind create symphonic harmony, I design and place augmented reality (AR) sculptures.

The Fusion of Art and Nature

I pause and contemplate where my digital sculptures would best fit into the natural landscape. Through the lens of the smartphone, I carefully position these art pieces, subsequently photographing and filming them. These magical moments, where art and nature merge, craft a visual poetry. They invite viewers to reflect on the changing nature and environment around them.

Visions of the Future

This creative process prompts me to ponder the future of the landscapes that we know and love. In the not-so-distant future, our perception of the world could be enhanced through AR lenses implanted directly into our eyes. Imagine: information, advertisements, and art, all seamlessly integrated into our field of vision. This will revolutionize the way we create, share, and experience art. 

Art and Ethics in the Digital Age

The introduction of AR into our daily lives raises important ethical questions. How do we deal with issues related to privacy, information overload, and environmental ethics? How can we, as artists, actively advocate for responsible and ethical use of technology while ensuring that it enriches (and does not impair) the human experience? 

For Sustainable Art Practice

We, the community of artists, possess the power and responsibility to bring about positive change through our artworks. This begins with a sustainable art practice: utilizing recycled materials, avoiding harmful chemicals, and minimizing CO₂ emissions. Furthermore, we can consciously decide not to create NFTs for each of our digital art pieces, reducing the energy consumption of blockchain technologies. 

Inspire and Influence

The art world provides us with a unique platform to raise awareness and inspire. In a time where climate change and environmental protection are becoming increasingly urgent, our artworks can send powerful messages and promote a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. With creativity and technology in our hands, we have the opportunity not only to shape the landscape of art but also that of the future.” Sarah Montani