Swiss Painter + Sculptress. Technology Optimist.
Sarah Montani, born 1972, is a Painter and Sculptress with a long-standing international exhibition profile. Growing up in the Swiss mountains with beautiful views inspired her to become an artist. She is a Digital Pioneer and focuses on connecting traditional Painting Techniques to Augmented Reality.
Seen and Unseen United.
Her art unveils the Hidden and makes the Invisible tangible. Using augmented reality, she illuminates unseen aspects in art, history, philosophy, medecine and law, advocating for equality and environmental protection. Her Artworks and Sculptures are displayed in public places and in more than 30 Museums worldwide. She loves nature, the Metaverse, and AI. Her Artworks are 100% human generated.
Visit her World Expo+. Look at TED Talk and Swiss TV.
Next Events
12.4.2025 Speech 18.45
Vernissage Sculpture La Dame de Salquenen. Valais.
22.6.2024 Speech 18.45
Vernissage Zumoffen Monument, Salgesch, Valais, Weinmuseum
15.2.2024 Speech 11-12h
IRIS, Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion Salzburg, Österreich
„Neue Horizonte im Recht: Künstliche Intelligenz und visuelle Analytik“ Sarah Montani
4.4.2024 Buchvernissage, 18-19h
Mit-Autorin im Buch „Konquistadoren und Sklavenhändler vom Bodensee. Kolonialgeschichte im 16. Jahrhundert“.
Stadthaus der Ortsbürgergemeinde St. Gallen
17.4.2024 Speech 17.30-18h
Ein virtuelles Skalvenschiff auf dem Bodensee: Ein Kunstprojekt von Sarah Montani
Raum für Literatur, Bibliothek Hauptpost, St. Gallen